Skimboard Pakalolo Van S / M


  • Izmērs: 94 x 43 cm

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PAKALOLO “twintip” skimborda dēļi būs piemēroti, kā iesācējiem, tā arī pieredzējušiem braucējiem. Dēļi ražoti no augstas kvalitātes koka. Dēļa serde veidota no saplākšņa, kas gareniski novietots 3 kārtās, dod dēlim izcilu stingrību. Dēlis vairākās kārtās pārklāts ar poliuretāna pārklājumu, kas to pasargās no ūdens uzsūkšanās un nodiluma gadiem. S/M izmēra dēlis piemērots braucējiem līdz 55 kg.

Izmērs: 94cm x 43cm, biezums 9mm.


Skimboard PAKALOLO S / M

Skimboard for kids and teenagers. The board is light and easy to use. The board is intended for beginners, intermediate and advanced users.

Skimboard Twintip is perfect for freestyle and makes it easier to perform complex maneuvers.

PAKALOLO skimboards are made of selected high-quality wood, thermally shaped to obtain the appropriate stiffness and profile. Covered with a multi-layer, abrasion-resistant and water-resistant polyurethane coating.

The twintip shape eliminates the concept of a skim’s bow and stern. The symmetrical profile gives the board sufficient elasticity and high impact. Thanks to the rounded edge of the bottom of the board, the skim’s life is increased in contact with the elements on which you perform the stunts.

If you are a fan of skimboarding or want to start your adventure with this sport, Pakalolo The Beast Twintip will allow you to have fun on the beach alone with your breath.

Symetric Rocker – the board has a symmetrical profile that gives the board sufficient elasticity and high pop. No matter where the front or the rear!
Transparent Grip – special anti-skid on the deck provides maximum grip for the feet, similar to a skateboard. You don’t have to play with wax anymore.
Smooth Rail – the edge of the bottom of the board is gently rounded, minimizing jibbing resistance and extending the life of the board edge.
Twintip boards have a wider nose and tail to improve their ride in slightly deeper water.
Since 2012, the core of the board consists of 3 layers of plywood arranged longitudinally, which improves the stiffness of the profile (better control of the board on boxes and rails).
Twintip S/M is a model for young people that enables fast progress for ambitious and beginner riders weighing up to 55 kg.


SKU: 8777000000133 Kategorijas: Birkas: ,