Mystic Majestic X Harness Black/Red

Maksā trīs vienādās daļās 3 x 99.67

Original price was: €415.00.Current price is: €299.00.

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Kaitborda un vindsērfinga trapece.


Majestic X ir jaunākais tehnoloģiskais koncepts trapeču ražošanā. Tajā iestrādāts ciets, no oglekļa kompozītšķiedras izgatavots korpuss, kas apņem braucēja ķermeni un vienmērīgi izlīdzina slodzi, tādējādi saudzējot muguru. Mystic Majestic X ir unikāla ar to, ka trapeces korpuss, atšķirībā no citām šāda veida trapecēm,  ir izgatavots no speciālas oglekļa kompozītšķiedras, kas ir stingra horizontāli, bet elastīga diognāli, tādējādi nodrošinot lielāku kustību brīvību.
Papildus ērtību nodrošina trapecē iestrādātās IV Foam putas, kas piemērojas ķermeņa formai un trapeces iekšpusē izvietotie EVA materiāla paneļi, kas nodrošina patīkamāku kontaktu ar ķermeni. Trapece piemērota gan kaitsērfingam, gan vindsērfingam. Speciāli viļņu braukšanai pieejams arī modelis ar slīdošo trapecāķi.



What about it

If you like to go bonkers the Majestic X is right up your alley. A slimmer waist harness with a carbon composite plate, bionic core frame and battle belt 2.0 system that will give you all the support you desire, while maintaining comfort. It comes with features like soft neoprene edges, Knitflex and fix foam. The stiffness of the bionic core frame makes this carbon harness perfect for riders that like riding overpowered.

Bionic Core Frame
Fly mold 2.0 Wedgewings
Non-water absorbing Flexagon Drytech
Fix Foam
Soft neoprene edges
Battle belt
Flexcovers with integrated safety knife pocket
Adaptive leash eye included
Suitable for Stealth bar, Clickerbar & Bananabar

Carbon composite

Bionic Core Frame
The Bionic Core Frame is stiff in the horizontal direction, but is still able to twist and follow your body. The carbon composite enhances the stiffness for the most extreme conditions.

Non-water absorbing Flexagon Drytech
The Flexagon Drytech sticks to your waist like superglue and keeps the harness in place during your entire session. It’s non-water absorbing, which gives it an extra light feel.

Soft neoprene edges
Soft neoprene prevents rash while riding on bare skin against the edges of the harness, and also creates a closer more comfortable fit.

Flexcovers with integrated safety knife pocket
The flexcover is designed to store your excessive webbing, which would otherwise flap about during your session. Behind the cover there is a hidden knife pocket to get you out of any gnarly situation.

Papildu informācija


M, S, L, XL, XXL

SKU: E1BA-DDAA63 Kategorijas: Birkas: ,