Mystic Majestic Waist Harness

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Mystic Majestic trapeces ražošanā ir izmantots  jaunākais tehnoloģiskais koncepts, kam ir vieglāks un stingrāks korpuss, kas apņem braucēja ķermeni un vienmērīgi izlīdzina slodzi, tādējādi saudzējot muguru. Šīs trapeces korpuss, atšķirībā no citām šāda veida trapecēm,  ir izgatavots no speciāla stiklaškiedras materiāla, kas ir stingrs horizontāli, bet elastīgs diognāli, tādējādi nodrošinot lielāku kustību brīvību. Papildus ērtību nodrošina trapecē iestrādātās Fix Foam putas, kas piemērojas ķermeņa formai.

Komplektācijā neietilpst trapecāķis. To var iegādāties atsevišķi.

The Majestic harness has the same Bionic Core Frame as the Majestic X, but with a Roving glass fibre plate which provides bigger freedom of movement. If you’re more into wave riding or freestyling the Majestic will definitely be worth your while. With Soft neoprene edges, Knitflex and Fix foam, the harness will give you all the comfort you need. The Majestic has a smart Battle belt 2.0 system with Flexcovers and a Key pocket 2.0.


– Bionic Core Frame
– Fix Foam
– Soft neoprene edges
– Battle belt
– Flexcovers with integrated safety knife pocket
– Adaptive leash eye included
– Suitable for Stealth bar, Clickerbar & Bananabar
– Artist series



  • Roven composite
BCF : Roven composite

The Bionic Core Frame is stiff in the horizontal direction, but it is still able to twist and follow the movement of your body. The Roven composite has a 8/10 score on the stiffness index, which gives you the comfortable stiffness to throw big kite loops, yet its 7/10 torsion flex makes it flexible enough for sharp bottom turns.



Papildu informācija


M, S, L, XL, XXL

SKU: EB59-C62A81 Kategorijas: