Mystic hidrotērps Voltt Hooded 6/4/3 Fzip

Maksā trīs vienādās daļās 3 x 133.00

Original price was: €569.00.Current price is: €399.00.

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Voltt ir augstākās klases hidrotērps no Mystic klāsta, kas izgatavatots no labākajiem un modernākajiem materiāliem. Voltt ir super elastīgs un silts hidrotērps, kas paredzēts īpaši skarbiem apstākļiem.

• Yamamoto 39 neoprene – tehniski pārākais neoprēns Mystic klāstā. Izgatavots no kaļķakmens izmantojot modernākās tehnoloģijas, Yamamoto neoprēns ir elastīgs, izturīgs, viegls un silts.
• Flare mesh
 odere – īpaša, ķermeņa siltumu atstarojoša odere, kas ir ne tikai ļoti silta, bet arī praktiski neabsorbē ūdeni un tādēļ ātri žūst. Tiek izmantota ekskluzīvākajos hidrotērpu modeļos.
• Fox fleece odere – hidrotērpā iestrādāta mīksta un silta odere, kas nodrošina siltumu svarīgākajās ķermeņa daļās.
Voltt hidrotērpa muguras un krūšu daļā ir iestrādāts panelis, kas dod papildus siltumu šai svarīgajai ķermeņa daļai.
• 100% waterproof stretch taping – no iekšpuses papildus izolētas šuves, kas ūdenim neļauj iekļūt hidrotērpā. Šis šuvju veids nodrošina elastīgāko un vieglāko šuvju savienojumu.



  • Waterproof stretch taping (100%): all seams
  • GBS (Glued Blind Stitch)
  • Wind Mesh back panel
  • YKK Front-zip
  • Aquabarrier
  • Hex-tech kneepads
  • Velcro ankle closure straps (included)
  • Non slip cuffs
  • Key pocket 2.0: keyloop with mini buckle
  • Aquaflush
  • Fixed hood (Hooded)


  • Yamamoto 39
  • Knitflex+
  • Flaremesh+ in chest, back, lower body & hood
  • Fox Fleece in all other panels

Yamamoto is an eco-friendly limestone neoprene that is considered one of the best neoprenes in the market. The high stretch ratio and top-notch insulation will let you perform better and more comfortable than ever before.

Knitflex+. In case you like good looks plus a lot of flexibility, Knitflex+ lining is definitely your thing. This outer lining offers the highest all-directional stretch ratio combined with a luxury look and soft touch feeling.

Wind mesh. Closed cell neoprene with one side of fabric lamination. The outside of the mesh neoprene offers a better protection against wind chill.


Flaremesh lining has a carbon backing and is topped with big terry loops. This creates a high pile for a soft touch, extra insulation and quick-dry capabilities. Flaremesh is our warmest inner lining yet.

Fox Fleece. Big loops in the fabric create a high pile lining that holds air for extra insulation. It holds less water enhancing the fast-drying abilities of the fabric. With its superior stretch performance in all directions it’s super suitable for every panel in all of our suit.

Waterproof stretch Flaremesh taping 100%. Flaremesh lining has a carbon backing and is topped with big terry loops creating a high pile for extra insulation and a soft touch. This high durable taping is used inside the suit to avoid leaking and to keep it flexible and warm.

Glued blind stitched. Stitching method whereby the panels are first glued together and then only stitched halfway through the fabric instead of fully perforating it, which makes the seams waterproof.


Papildu informācija


M, MT, S, L, LT, XL, LS

SKU: 4D42-CB8BA1 Kategorijas: