Foil Drive Propeller Guard



Šis produkts ir pārbaudīts un izmēģināts jau kādu laiku. Izstrādāts tiem, kas vēlas pievienot papildu aizsardzību pret triecieniem, propellera aizsargs noteikti nav piemērots visiem, bet ir pieejams tiem, kuri vēlas papildu propellera drošību.

Piezīme: esošie integrētie mastu modeļi nevar izmantot propellera aizsargu. Lūdzu, sazinieties ar mums, ja vēlaties pasūtīt propellera aizsargu kā daļu no JAUNA integrētā masta.

This one has been tried and tested for some time now. Designed for those wanting to add some bump protection, the propeller guard is most definitely not for everyone but is available for those who want added peace of mind.

If you’re considering a Propeller Guard, please head to our YouTube first and watch the full video where Ben talks you through the Pro’s and Con’s so you can make the best choice working out if a Prop Guard is for you or not!

Note: Existing Integrated Masts cannot utilise a Propeller Guard. Please contact us if you would like to order a Propeller Guard as part of a NEW Integrated Mast.

SKU: 5077-D13D0C Kategorijas: