Kaitborda āķis
Speciāla plāksne slodzes nodrošināšanai
Ace bar aizdare
Fender-Shield: specializēts spiediena sadales polsterējums
Ace spārni
Integrēta drošības līšas cilpa
Hromēts nerūsējošais tērauds
We’ve aced it and you most definitely also will when picking up an Ace Bar Kite. Carefully crafted with pressure-distributing padding and Curv Stealth Wings, we’re offering you a reliable bar at a more than reasonable price. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing gloves or riding in the tropics, the lever lock makes opening up easier than you on a blind date after three glasses of wine.
Kiteboarding hook
Load plate
Lever lock Ace bar
Fender-Shield: Specialized pressure distributing padding
Ace wings
Integrated safety leash eye
Low torque
Chromed stainless steel