Black Witch hidrotērpu remonta līme


Hidrotērpu remonta līme.

Ātra iedarbība – izžūst 20 minūtēs, lai ātri remontētu hidrotērpus un citus neoprēna aksesuārus
Izturīgs — pieejams 28 ml mēģenē, šī stingrā līme pielīp pie neoprēna, lateksa un gumijas
Elastīgs – sacietē līdz elastīgai gumijai, kas stiepjas un izliecas ar audumiem
Izturīgs pret nodilumu — pārklājiet lielas nodiluma vietas, piemēram, ceļgalus un elkoņus, lai aizsargātu pret nodilumu
Ūdensizturīgs — nodrošina ūdensnecaurlaidīgu blīvējumu, lai ūdens sporta aprīkojums darbotos neatkarīgi no aktivitātēm


Wetsuit repair is simple and quick with Aquasure Neo Black Witch. This black contact cement is formulated to permanently bond with neoprene and other coated materials. With this flexible liquid adhesive, repairing neoprene gear can be done within half an hour. Apply to waterproof waders, gloves, booties, and spray skirts by the water. Or re-seal a leaky gasket at home. When rips and tears happen, use this contact cement to repair stretchy, high-performance fabrics and protect it from abrasions. Before venturing out to that favorite fishing hole or dive spot, bring Aquasure NEO Black Witch along for unexpected repairs and save that expensive gear.

  • Fast Acting – Dries in 20 minutes for fast in-field repairs to wetsuits, waders and more
  • Durable – Available in 28 ml tube, this tough adhesive bonds to neoprene, latex and rubber
  • Flexible – Cures to an elastic rubber that stretches and bends with fabrics
  • Abrasion resistant – Coat high-wear areas like knees and elbows to protect against abrasion
  • Waterproof – Provides a water-tight seal to keep watersports gear performing no matter the activity