Piepūšamais SUP dēlis Gladiator Pro 12’6W

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Original price was: €615.00.Current price is: €539.00.

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Gladiator Pro – premium konstrukcijas dēlis komplektā ar karbona airi.

SUP dēlis Gladiator Pro 12’6W ir ekstra plats “touring” dēlis. Šī būs laba izvēle smagiem braucējiem vai tiem, kas vēlas ekstra stabilitāti. Uz šī dēļa var vizināties pat divatā. Korpusa forma paredzēta vieglai un ātrai slīdēšanai. Lielisks tūrismam un garu gabalu veikšanai. Dēlis vienlaikus ir pietiekoši stabils, lai uz tā labi justos arī iesācējs.

Gladiator Pro sērijas dēļi izgatavoti izmantojot augstas kvalitātes Fusion tehnoloģijas materiālus un to maksimālais spiediens ir 26psi, tādējādi nodrošinot īpaši stingru, pret izliekšanos noturīgu dēļa konstrukciju. Dēļa garums un proporcijas ir veidotas tā, lai tas būtu pietiekoši stabils un viegli lietojams arī iesācējam. Uz dēļa paredzēta īpaša vieta mantu nostiprināšanai brauciena laikā. Komplektā ietilpst viss nepieciešamais ieskaitot karbona airi.

Atšķirībā no Origin sērijas Gladiator dēļiem, Gladiator Pro dēļa malas ir trīskārši pastiprinātas ar Xstrong lentu, kas dēlim piedod papildus stingrību, turklāt dēlis ir nedaudz vieglāks. Pro modelis ir komplektēts ar vieglu karbona kompozīta materiāla airi ar neilona lāpstiņu, jaudīgāku sūkni, mugursomu, kas aprīkota ar riteņiem ērtākai dēļa transportēšanai.

Komplektā ietilpst:
3 daļīgs, regulējams airis ar karbona kātu un neilona lāpstiņu.
Ērta mugursoma dēlim un aksesuāriem.
Augstas kvalitātes pumpis ar manometru un divvirzienu pumpēšanas iespēju.
Drošības pavada (leash).
Remonta piederumu komplekts

Garums: 12.6″ / 385 cm
Platums: 34″ / 86 cm
Biezums: 6″ / 15 cm
Tilpums: 370 litri
Svars: 11.5 kg
Braucēja svars: neierobežots
Maksimājā nestspēja: 240 kg

Gladiator PRO 12.6W – A wide touring SUP board shape for larger paddlers – light, fast, an absolute blast.

SUP board Gladiator PRO 12.6W has a width of 34″ and a thickness of 6″ making it ideal and super stable for riders over 100 Kilos.

Gladiator PRO 12.6W is for those who want to up their game from an all-round board. The 12.6 Wide board provides extra glide and speed whilst still being easy to paddle.


Double-Laminated Fusion Technology With 1000 Den-Substrate For The Ultimate In Stiffness & Durability.

The Gladiator Pro is Made from premium 26psi high fusion density drop stitch with the XStrong rail. The Pro is a premium board range for people who want more.

The new technology allows us to add to the ‘solid’ board effect. Thanks to its design and manufacturing method the narrow super-strong edge becomes an integral part of the SUP board, as a result, the board offers even more rigidity, glide and performance with the added bonus that the thinner edge looks stunning. This impressive rigidity allows even a 120kg person to be able to stand on a 4.75″ thick all-round board.

Gladiator PRO boards should not be compared to boards of similar cost. This range uses manufacturing techniques only found in boards twice the price.

Upsells from Origin
The Origin range offers a premium board construction that will dominate the lower price bracket, if someone is looking at a direct Amazon brand the Origin with blow these out the water, where the Pro exceeds the Origin is in the overall finishing touches. The Xstrong triple rail adding stiffness and strength to the boards,Touring wheeled backpack bag, SUPer pump (in our opinion the best paddle board pump on the market), Carbon Nylon paddle is very much worth the price.

Model: Gladiator PRO 12.6W SUP
Construction: MSL Double-Wall 1,4mm (3250g/m2) + Double-layered sidewalls – inner layer 0,52mm (600g/m2) + outer layer 0,7mm (850g/m2)
Length: 12.6″ / 385 cm
Width: 34″ / 86 cm
Thickness: 6″ / 15 cm
Volume: 370 liters
Weight: 11.5 kg
Rider Weight: No limit kg
Max carrying wight: 240kg
Warranty: 3 Years board, 2 Years accessories

Package set:
Lightweight Carbon pole adjustable paddle
Nylon backpack with wheels, light and resistant with zipper
A repairing kit with special glue for PVC, 3 PVC patches, and valve key
Double action Bravo pump with pressure gauge
One Fiber Glass center fin
Safety spiral leash

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