Religion ir augstas veiktspējas viļņu pūķis. Nav daudz pūķu, kas var slīdēt tāpat kā Religion, ļaujot jums izbaudīt braukšanu pa vilni, nevis vienkārši tikt vilktam aiz pūķa.
Jaunais Religion atrodas dziļāk vēja diapazona logā un nodrošina labāku jaudu vājākā vējā. Lielais depower samazina spiedienu uz trapeci, veicot dažādus manevrus uz viļņa un nodrošina lielāku kontroli strapless frīstaila manevros. Jūs uzreiz sajutīsiet saikni ar Religion un tā iespaidīgo pagriešanās ātrumu un atsaucību.
Stingra konstrukcija
Striķu pielāgošana ar divām opcijām: wave / wave freestyle
Samazināts Quick Air Flow vārsts ar īpašu veidotu aizsargvāciņu
Pret sapīšanās ierīce
Diamond Grid auduma tehnoloģija
Plati pūķa gali papildu manevrēšanai
Visi pūķi ir aprīkoti ar 2 trīšiem, lai labāk izturētu stipras brāzmas, uzlabotu stabilitāti un palielinātu vēja diapazonu
The Religion is the definition of a high performance wave strapless kite and continues to meet the needs of the rider with ease. At its Y27 edition the Religion has transformed together with the evolution of riding waves with a kite. There are not many kites out there that can drift like the Religion allowing you to ride the wave instead of being pulled by the kite.
The new Religion sits deeper in the window and provides immense power in the low end wind range. The huge depower will kill the harness pressure when bottom turning and lining up for a big vertical turn on the wave or for more control during your strapless freestyle maneuvers. You will immediately feel linked to the Religion and its impressive turning speed and reactivity.
- Religion ultra rigid frame.
- Front-line trim setting with two options: wave / freestyle-wave.
- Quick Air Flow Valve, with special moulded protection cap and reduced dimensions.
- Bridle anti-tangle device.
- Diamond grid technology.
- Wide tips for extra maneuverability.
- All the kites are equipped with 2 pulleys to handle the strong gusty conditions, improve the stability and to increase the wind range.